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Health & Safety

We are committed to a comprehensive health and safety policy, which has gained us a five-star accreditation with +IMPAC PREQUAL.
This means:

  • Our health and safety policies, practices and procedures have been independently assessed

  • Our insurances have been verified and we’re committed to keeping them current

  • We recognize the importance of contractor pre-qualification in cooperation with clients and other contractors

  • We meet the requirements of our clients who require us to have completed the PREQUAL assessment

  • We take the health and safety of our people seriously

  • We are committed to doing the right thing.

An important part of our company’s operation is our commitment to Health and Safety. This covers not only staff health and wellbeing but also our company’s commitment to the standards and procedures such as our stated environmental policy. This goes toward achieving required legislation standards and shows our commitment to improving the country’s environmental, economic, and social standards.

We have had no serious harm incidents in our company.

Our staff and company are also committed to our company environmental policy, which aims to minimize the environmental impact of the company’s activities. Our aim is to achieve a level of environmental performance that goes beyond that required for regulatory compliance. We reduce, recycle and reuse materials wherever practicable.
Current procedures include monthly inspection and reporting to identify hazards. These hazards include work organisation, people management, use of tools and machinery, the environment and workplace culture. Hazards are identified by injury type analysis, task and process analysis, regular hazard audits and physical inspections, and regular equipment maintenance.