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Planning is key to the success of any project. Appropriate lead times and good planning will always ensure quality product is delivered on time and to specification. At Totara Glen Nurseries we allocate a Project Manager to all ‘key’ projects to ensure clear lines of communication at all times.

Totara Glen Nurseries uses either MS excel or MS project for resource programming, planning, and tracking the progress of major projects. This provides tracking information to facilitate decisions from seed collection to dispatch.

An important part of this tracking is regular review of seed collection and plant quality throughout the growing process. ‘Quality Assurance’ takes place at every stage of production. This process is normally defined in the contract notes but at times communication maybe increased if we are aware of noticeable changes that may affect the project requirements.

I. Direct Seeding / Propagation

Totara Glen Nurseries uses various methods of propagation, either from seed or vegetative material. This process includes seed sowing, cutting production or division. Seed is either direct seeded into containers or seedlings are ‘pricked out’. ‘Rooted cuttings’ or ‘divisions’ are transplanted into containers.

Each method of propagation is selected to ensure the most efficient production and the best quality product. Totara Glen Nurseries employs experienced propagators who monitor quality at every stage of seedling production process

II. Bagging

Only the best seedlings are selected to be ‘bagged on’ for container production. At Totara Glen Nurseries we have mechanized the bagging operation to ensure efficient and quality production. A good quality containerized product is only achieved with accurate and well-timed planning. Planning is focused on ensuring adequate growing time during the growing season.

III. Maintenance and ‘Hardening off’

Plants are maintained and monitored by senior staff across our nursery. This process includes weed control, pest, and disease control, trimming and pruning where necessary and regular grading. All plants have a hardening off period prior to dispatch in a nursery location as close as possible to their ultimate planting location. This ensures a robust plant and the highest possible success rate.

IV. Pick list / Packing / Tracking and Delivery

Prior to dispatch the assigned Project Manager will inspect batches of plants. Plant quantities are finalized and updated prior to producing a ‘pick list’. Following confirmation of delivery dates our dispatch crew select and grade plants to meet project specification. (Height, stem calliper etc.) Assigned Project Managers communicate regularly with our clients to qualify delivery dates and times. ‘Quality Assurance’ takes place at every stage of production. This process is normally defined in the contract notes but at times communication maybe increased if we are aware of noticeable changes that may affect the project requirements.

V. Post-Production and Project Follow-up

Subsequent to the completion of every key project an internal review by the Project Manager looks at every aspect of the projects performance to ensure continual improvement. In addition, a follow-up review of every aspect of the project with our customer ensures a high level of satisfaction, maintains, and develops relationships and provides for ongoing improvement.